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" Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not a philosophy, this is physics."

- Albert Einstein

Our Story

          floweressence was created by Savannah Gascoigne, Naturopath and Kinesiologist based in Sydney, Australia.


         After noticing how most of her clients health challenges resolved when addressing the underlying emotional aspect through the use of flower essences, she decided to create floweressence to help a wider community.


        In our modern society we are very time poor and may find it challenging to allocate the time or financial resources to see the health practitioners we need.​ floweressence offers a way to have a personalised experience with flower essences from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, without the hefty price tag of seeing a flower essence practitioner in person.



Flower essences can help in the following areas:


For subtle symptoms of apathy or uneasiness to the more intense symptoms of anxiety, depression, or panic. Flower essences can support emotional balance and promote positive emotional states.

Flower essences can be very effective when dealing with the mental aspect. From brain integration to boosting the cognitive processes, flower essences can ease brain fog and confusion while promoting clarity and focus.


Whether recent or a long time ago, trauma can have negative effects on our health. Emotional, mental physical, and spiritual trauma can all be released and resolved with the help of flower essences.


Many traditional healing practices link unresolved emotions to our physical health. Flower essences help to resolve suppressed emotions which have flow on effects on our physical symptoms.


We all have many relationships we are apart of during our time on earth. Family relationships, intimate relationships, our relationship with nature, the universe, and ourselves. Flower essences can help resolve any conflicts that may be negatively impacting our relationships.


Flower essences can help us when dealing with major (or minor) life changes. Moving, starting a new job, career changes, becoming a parent, or a break-up or divorce all come with alot of emotional baggae. Flower essences can help support us and our ability to cope during times of high stress or emotional turmoil. 


Flower essences are commonly used for hormonal balance. PMS, menopause, andropause (yes, it's a thing!) and more, can all be supported with the use of flower essences.


We can often feel out of touch with the flow of life/the universe. By aligning our vibration to what we want most, things start to flow more freely. Flower essences are the most powerful way to harmonise ones vibration to what we desire most; material or otherwise.


Many of us love to travel and many of us travel alot for work. Flower essences can help to protect us from the negative effects of travelling such as jet lag, electromagnetic exposure, radiation and the emotions that come along to.

Purple Glow

Quantum Energy

Pure Quantum Energy Makes Our Essences More Powerful

Excitingly, all our flower essences are infused with pure quantum energy using LeelaQ's scientifically proven, evidence-backed, patented technology.


Quantum energy can assist us in manifesting the reality we want by helping to align us with our true intentions. Quantum energy and flower essences work synergistically, offering a more powerful healing experience.


Additionally, quantum energy has also been shown to protect against harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). We have found that by infusing our essences with pure quantum energy using LeelaQ's Quantum Bloc, the flower essences are not only more powerful when applied, but also more stable during transportation and storage.


For more information about Leela Quantum Tech® check out their website


Flower essences, an ancient practice


     Flower essences have been used in many cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. The first documented recording was in ancient Egypt where the healing qualities of flowers were mentioned on papyrus scripts. Other cultures who utilised the healing qualities of flowers included Greeks, Malays, Sumerians, Chinese, Australian Aboriginals and the native Americans among others.


    The first recorded medicinal use of flower essences was by Paracelsus, the Greek healer and mystic. It is reported that he would collect the dew from flowers to treat his patients emotional imbalances.


Flower essences are catalysts for profound change.

Flower essences in modern times


    Dr Edward Bach, a British Doctor, Bacteriologist, and Homeopath, really pioneered the rediscovery of flower essences in modern historical times with his Bach Remedies that are incredibly popular throughout the world today. This made the ancient healing practice available to the modern man and opened the door to many essences we now have available today and continue to make as human consciousness grows and expands.


Dis-ease state


    Our understanding of what creates dis-ease in the body is becoming better understood as science catches up with traditional healing modalities. Many traditional healing modalities, that have been used successfully for millennia, operate under the notion that physical disease is the manifestation of emotional imbalances which create energy blockages within our being and vice versa. We know that emotions can have strong acute effects on our physical body which is evident in the form of tears when we are upset or by flushing red in the face when angry or embarrassed. What is often missed is the ability for long held emotions to lead to chronic health challenges. When we experience dis-ease, this is our bodies way of telling us something is not right and by listening to our body we can identify and address it. By addressing the root cause of a disease state we can experience far reaching resolute of health imbalances.








    Evidence of the above in practice is most notable in the area of Acupuncture which is a traditional form of energy medicine that originated in China. There are now many studies available attesting to the effectiveness of this widely accepted energy healing treatment used by millions of people around the globe. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative health (NCCIH), a governmental body, notes; that it has been proven to help in cases of: low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, knee pain, and headache and migraine, and acknowledge it may be useful for many other conditions, however, further scientific evidence is needed. 


 How flower essences are made


     When flower essences are made, the selected flowers are steeped in a bowl of water in the sun for a period of time to transfer the unique vibratory energy pattern from the flowers to the water. Water is an excellent medium for capturing energetic frequencies as can be seen by Dr Masaru Emoto’s work - see study. The water containing the energetic imprint of the flowers is collected, stabilised, diluted and then prescribed for people presenting with the appropriate indications. 

 Mechanism of action


      As flower essences are energetic in nature, they work through the principle of resonance to harmonise the subtle human bio-energetic field via sympathetic resonance. This means they work by supporting and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes rather than suppressing symptoms driven by malfunctioning physiological processes that are commonly seen with modern medicine.


     The human skeleton is made up of calcium crystals, and the hair, skin and nails; silica crystals. When flower essences are given, the crystals in the body transmit and amplify these unique frequencies, similar to how radios utilise quartz crystals for this same purpose. This is how the healing frequencies of flower essences can be used to harmonise the subtle-energy bodies and promote equilibrium. There is no physical remnants of the flowers in the final dosage product, it is purely energetic which therefore makes flower essences incredibly safe for all living beings.


     A recent study published in 2019 showcased the power of vibrations and how sensitive we and our environment are to these vibrations occurring in nature. Within minutes of Bees emitting pollinator frequencies, flowers in the nearby area responded by mechanically vibrating their petals (as measured by laser vibrometry) and increasing nectar sugar concentration to attract bees and increase their chances of cross pollination. 

How to identify the healing qualities of flowers​


   The healing properties of flowers are identified by way of the Doctrine of Signatures. This is where a feature of a plant - shape, colour, texture, taste, growth, scent - indicates its healing properties. An example of this can be seen in the Casuarina glauca (She Oak). The female flowers of this magnificent tree occur in globular heads with the styles hanging out to catch the wind similar in a way to how the fine hair like cilia of the fallopian tubes within the female reproductive system wait to catch the egg ejected from the ovaries during ovulation. The female flowers continue to grow into nut like fruits which are the same size and similar shape to that of the female ovaries. She Oak is a popular Australian Bush Flower Essence prescribed mainly for afflictions of the female reproductive system. It promotes female hormonal balance, fertility and conception.

What you can expect


    Flower essences, while used mostly for their emotional healing abilities, also have positive effects on our psychological, spiritual and physical states. Generally, flower essences will be felt as positive shifts in mood, energy, symptom(s) abatement and positive outlook. Depending on how sensitive we are to flower essences, the healing effects can be felt sometimes immediately or more commonly in the days and weeks after with 2 weeks being the generally accepted time frame for the essences to work their magic. There are some instances where essences may need to be taken for longer for example in certain cases of longstanding symptoms or emotional states such as deep held grief. Adults, children, babies, animals, and even plants and spaces can all benefit from the energetic healing abilities of flower essences.


    Many people have had positive outcomes working with flower essences. See our testimonials for a better idea of what you can expect.

Flower essences as a form of natural therapy


    The mechanism of action for flower essences is understood when we consider that everything in the universe, including humans and plants, are made up of and impacted by energy. As discerned by scientific advances, it is well established and accepted that the basic building blocks for all things living, and not, in existence are atoms. Atoms emit and absorb electromagnetic waves of varying frequencies when they transition between different energy states. This translates to everything in the universe, even objects that appear static, are constantly in motion, vibrating, oscillating, and resonating at various frequencies.


I am not one for writing reviews but my story must be told. I was introduced to these remedies by a naturopath and I must admit I was sceptical at first, but decided to take a chance as flower essences are said to be completely safe. Like most people the pandemic was a particularly challenging time for me financially. I was prescribed the Abundance Essence which is an Australian Bush Flower remedy; I was told it comprised multiple flower essences. After taking this essence I came into a surprise windfall of money the next day; this was completely unexpected it has changed the course of my life. I cannot thank you enough for this, your products work, the result was unexplainable and miraculous! Keen to try more… I will review after my next experience.

Con / Company Director / 39

I have always struggled with insomnia due to excessive worrying and the inability to switch my mind off. I was given the flower essences Crowea and Boronia and boy let me tell you. After sleeping at most 4 hours a night for 30 years, the first night after taking the flower essence mix I slept 6 hours and the second night 8! I feel better rested and more relaxed than I have in years.

Wendy / Retired / 82


A portion of the profits is shared with Koori Kulcha Aboriginal Corporation - a not-for-profit Community organisation - to pay respect to elders, past and present, and the land from which the native Australian bush flowers are crafted .

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